
Geographic situation

Larraga is a municipality that is in the center of the Foral Community of Navarre, in the Middle Zone or Ribera Alta

Larraga is a municipality that is in the center of the Foral Community of Navarra, in the Middle Zone or Ribera Alta. It limits to the north with Mendigorría, to the northeast with Artajona, to the south with Berbinzana and Miranda de Arga, to the southwest with Lerín, to the east with Tafalla and to the west with Oteiza de la Solana and Baigorri. Its municipal term has an extension of 77Ž4 km2, occupying the twenty-ninth place among the municipalities of Navarre in terms of municipal extension.

In the administrative area has the category of municipality and belongs to Merindad de Olite, while in the legal has a own Court of Peace and is part of the Judicial Party of Tafalla.


To the north, with Mendigorría
To the northeast, with Artajona
To the south, with Berbinzana and Miranda de Arga
To the southwest, with Lerín
To the east, with Tafalla
To the west, with Oteiza


In the term of Larraga there are no mounts that have an important height. There are only small hills, among which are: Vaqueriza (408 m.), Lastaza (500 m.), San Marcos (526 m.), La Nava (420 m.), La Melonera St. Lorente (486 m.).

El Casco Urbano is located on the south and west slopes of the Castle (452 m.).


The river Arga crosses the municipal term of the town from north to south, happening to about 700 meters of the Casco Urbano, but to considerable difference of altitude, due to the location of the town.


The whole set of lands that surround the Casco Urbano is divided in extensions of land called corrals: Arribas, Balsa, Goats, Butcheries, Cut, Dehesa, Estaza, Lagoon, Landaza, Linte, Molonera, Nava, Plane, Romeral, Salobral, San Blas, Sancho Martín, San Gil, San Gil (Esparza), Sausañe, Serna and Valdecaballos.